
Short introduction

By their fruits you will know them. Do you gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles?

(Matt. 7:16)

To objectively assess a person, you need to pay attention not to what he says, but to what he does. That is what portfolio. It does not include all of my works. Some projects can't be discussed due to non-disclosure agreements, some developed for internal use, so it's difficult to tell about them “out of context”, and some are morally obsolete and therefore are not included in the portfolio. Most of the portfolio is being filled and is gradually published on the website.

More detailed information about services I provide and about me you can find in sections “Services” and “Resume”.

System Software

A program for calulating various statistical metrics for address books located on CardDAV servers.
A standalone self-contained PXE server designed to work in any Linux or Mac OS runtime environment without installing system software. The server allows you to boot unmodified elementary OS Luna Live CD ISO on any PXE-supported equipment.


Craft CMS plugin for generating preview images of PDF files.


Portfolio site of a charming girl, Russian photographer Svetlana Busheva, working in the unique “Dying” style.
Блог об информационной безопасности. Запущен в юрисдикции, свободной от DMCA.
Разработка веб-сайта, приложений бэк-офиса и специальных проектов для телекоммуникационной компании.

Accounting, Billing

The module synchronizes the process of invoicing, collecting payments and creation of counter parties between 1C:Enterprise and billing system.
Integration module of 1C:Enterprise 7.7 and Billing
The module synchronizes the process of invoicing, collecting payments and creation of counter parties between 1C:Enterprise and billing system.