Short introduction
I am engaged in creativity as long as I can remember. It is the essence of my life, the divine destiny. Wide range of artistic interests: poems, songs, music, photography, collage. Some of these things I share with world.
The Portfolio section presents my published projects.
Photobook fair “Fotobookmarket”, Russia.
Participation of all the books and zines, October 11-13, 2019.
Author's lecture “Not Only Skyscrapers” and screening of a film about independent book publishing in the UAE.
Book festival “GROUND zine fest 2”, Russia.
Participation of the zines “While Cats Walk” and “Demolish Impossible to Keep”, April 27-29, 2018.
“Fully Booked” Art Book Fair, UAE.
Participation of the art photo album “Sommer Moscow” and zine “Vysotazhki*”, March 19-24, 2018.
Meeting with the author.
LoosenArt Gallery, Italy.
Photo-graphic group exhibition "Modules", February 2018.
Book festivals “UNSEEN Amsterdam”, “New York Art Book Fair”, “Tallinn Photomonth”, “Polycopies Paris” and “VOLUMES Zurich”.
Participation of zines “While Cats Walk” and “Demolish Impossible to Keep”, October-November 2017.
The Lumiere Brothers Center for Photography, Russia.
Presentation of the zine series “A book about Moscow”, September 15, 2017.
Library of F.M. Dostoevsky, Russia.
Presentation of the art photo album “Sommer Moscow”, August 08, 2017.
Short films festival "I See God", Russia.
Screening of the movie “Revived Room”, August 08, 2014.
Exhibition-experiment “Entrée Exhibition”, Russia.
Presentation of the film “Revived Room”, January 06-19, 2014.
Rock concert “Lobster's Party”, Russia, April 2012.
In the media
Interview about introverts, the story in the TV program "Morning", TV channel "Moskva 24", April 2, 2019.

“Литературная страница”, a selection of poems, the newspaper “Kaliningradskaya pravda”, #114, October 11, 2018.
“Москва глазами интроверта”, an article about the art photo album “Sommer Moscow”, the Internet portal “GodLiteratury.Ru”.
“Entrée/ Вход. Выставка, художественный эксперимент”, an article about the “Entrée Exhibition” and project “Revived Room”, the online magazine “Art Uzel”.
Contact info
Implementation of own projects.
Collaborations with creative people.
Work with sponsors.
Fikra Campus, UAE.
Library of F.M. Dostoevsky, Russia.
Course “Industrial Design in the Development and Promotion of Technology Products” by eNano, Russia, 2020.

Course “Seeing Through Photographs” by The Museum of Modern Art, USA, 2018.

Member of Russian Union of Journalists.